4 Tips to Enjoy Your Singapore Trip Under Your Budget

By | March 6, 2019

Believe it or not, you can enjoy your visit to Singapore under your budget! No worries you won’t have to sacrifice your meals or sell plasma to experience this exciting city-island-country in Southeast Asia.

Since Singapore has a bad reputation for being expensive, many travelers give it only a few days or choose to skip it altogether. But, the following are some valuable tips that may help you enjoy Singapore at reasonable costs.

Get Farfetch Promo Code

There is no denying that Singapore has been famous for multiple shopping options. The country has many shopping malls and street markets that will offer you great opportunities to buy things of your choice. Here is where the Farfetch Promo Code becomes the right choice.

Promo Code becomes the right choice.

The code allows you to get massive discounts on the purchase of women garments and apparels. You can easily save up to 30 percent on each of your buying.

Drink the Water

Unlike many countries in Southeast Asia, drinking tap water is safe in Singapore. This should be good news because a bottle of water may cost you around SD2 at minimarts!

In case you don’t have a bottle, buy a small one and refill it for free at hotels or from the tap.

Singapore is home to several food halls, food courts, and hawker street stalls. Yes, eating street food is safe in this beautiful country. In fact, enjoying street food in Singapore can be a quintessential part of your visit.

Eat in Food Halls

The quality of the food is unmatchable, and a delicious meal may cost you around between SD4 and SD6 in food halls.

Avoid Smoking or Drinking

Thanks to higher taxes, these two vices can destroy your budget in Singapore. A packet of Marlboro cigarettes will cost you more than SD13, and drinking is very expensive. You will have to spend at least SD30 for entry into a nightclub in Singapore which includes just one watery drink.

Note: Electronic cigarettes are illegal in the country. So, don’t cross the border with one!